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Client Account Setup

Your secure Client Account folders will be generated in

Microsoft One Drive as soon as you place your first order.

You can add our shared folder to your personal

Microsoft One Drive account or set one up for free.

  1. After you place your first order you will be assigned a client # along with a link authorizing your access to your secure Client Account folders located in our Microsift One Drive account. We maintain 100 TeraBytes of storage so you will always have the space needed to store, review and approve all your files and job orders.

  2. All files you upload via the online store via individual product selection page by selecting File Uploads have a 1 GB limit per file and up to 20 Files per upload. We will then have a copy placed in your secure Microsoft One Drive account withon 24 Hours we will setup for you to upload, proof, approve and production purposes by Job Unique ID #. Every order you place will have a unique order # so files you upload can be associated properly in your secure folders for you to access as needed. There will be one folder only we can access tyhat will contain your approved files sent to production, so NO ONE can make random changes to them without a normal workflow process. Also kept in this secure folder will be a copy of your approval to send to production.

  3. There will be 4 folders for each project (Order #)
    A. Content Folder with sub folders by Unique Order# for you to place your associated content for use, review and or production by us for Graphic Design needs you are requesting us to perform.

    B. Proofs Awaiting Approval. Once you have your approved files from your designer you can upload them into the Proofs Approved GTP folder as (PRINT AS IS) for us to send to production. (We will send your contact person an email verifying proofs have been approved and that we concur.
    We will review files to make sure they meet production perimeters.)

    If we are designing your proofs for you, we will place them in the appropriate Proofs Awaiting Approval folder by Unique Job # and notify you they are ready
    for your review and approval.

    C. Proofs Approved GTP you can upload by Unique Order/Job ID# proofs you have approved and you or your designer are providing with (Print As Is) status for our review and or concurrence. If we find any problems we will notify your listed email / contact Immediately!

Please try to identify files you upload as:

order#-file_name-date-front_outside or back_inside

example: 3456-orion_brochure-080917-front_ouside

example: 3456-orion_brochure-080917-back_inside

After you have gone through this process once it

should be easier each additional time.

Any questions do not hesitate to contact us at

Thank You

Nicholas John

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